Urban and Rural photos

Illegally disposed metal.

This Heap of metal has been dumped in a field near Robrough, although the intention of the people who disposed this was not good but there is a good element for the environment here, the metal may kill the plant life underneath by keeping it from the sun but on the other end of the scale these metal sheets are perfect hiding places for animals, in particular this is a perfect place for snakes such as adders, the metal hides the snakes but is also a good heat conductor and helps the cold blooded animals warm up whilst being protected from predators. The image its self was shot at 1/250 f.4 ISO 100, the image was created with 2 layers one of which I used HDR toning the other I made quite soft in Raw software, this was used as the back ground. 
Badgers Halt

This image requires me to use a tripod due to the slow shutter speed needed to create the water. The image was taken at 1/5 f.22 ISO 100. All that was done on photoshop was a free vibrancy touch ups and some areas were burned to make darker. I love the feel of this image as it reminds me of one of my favorite places on the moor and this was a particularly  gorgeous day. Also I believe the colours and scene emanates happiness because the beauty of the place makes the viewer instantly want to be there.
This Image of a tree riddled with Ivy was taken  at 1/160 f.5.6 ISO 100 using a tripod I tried to fit as much of the tree in photoshop using  a pre-made monotone setting, I also used the burn and dodge tools to highlight and darken areas such as the Ivy vines. This image is has a dark feeling about it in my opinion the Ivy vines look as if their chains trying to pull the tree under the earth, the black and white also makes it more tormenting.
Belliver Woods
This photo was manipulated using a HDR technique the woods and trees are a sperate layer to the sky here I have changed the hue and used a filter called radial blur this can give the effect of sun beams.
The image was shot at a 1/250 f.4 ISO 100 with a standard 18-50mm lens no tripod was needed due to the high shutter speed.Im not massivly keen on this image i think I went a bot over board with the purple sky being as vibrant as it is and will keep this in mind for the future.
Images I have taken over the week for Practical task 1
Rural Fence Coran Gleed
Urban factory Coran Gleed

Both image's were taken in behind and in Beliva industrial estate and  both were two photos merged into one. (URBAN FACTORY)
The main image was taken at f.8 1/400 ISO 100 - once in camera raw I edited the clarity to maximum to bring out the detail and then with the second image (the sky) I changed the contrast, clarity and tinted the image purple to make the sky more dramatic, Once opened in Photoshop I used the selection tool to select the bland white sky of the building image deleted it to bring the second layers sky through and merged the two layers together, I then used the eye drop tool to select the purple sky's pigment and used a low opacity on the brush tool with a low hardness to colour in the roof of the factory and the main highlight points on the protruding frame work of the factory. (RURAL FENCE) This image was edited much the same way as the urban one as was the photos only differences are the rural image needed more care and the eraser tool to get in the harder areas.

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