Final Peaces & Layout

As I said in my ideas section I was going to create a blown up version of a double page sped article featuring my final peaces within the story

I have came to a conclusion that I will blow the pages up to either A2,A1 or even A0. This is a plan on how I wish to lay out my work.
 I think this may be an unusual way to present my work and because of the size of the print the images should not lack impact and show the quality of the image well. Because this assignment is an environmental one I think I may plan on making my own minimalistic frame from recycled wood and leaves fallen on the woodland floors, this will be helping the environment in the way of not purchasing a frame made out of cut down trees which will in turn mean I have not funded the destruction of trees

this lay out was changed as once putting the magazine page together I found a new lay out that seemed to better fit the BBC wildlife layout I wish to mirror. 


This Is one of the images I am going to use in my finals, it is going to feature in the top right hand corner of the magazine. In the magazine the picture will have to be cropped in from the top so that it mirrors the Wistmans wood images on the top left.
as you can see not much has been done to the image, all I have done is boost the clarity and boost the saturation as I dont want to detract from the real beauty of the place by modifying the image to much, the approach I am using in a mix of dead pan and very slight HDR to try meet the criteria in the middle of being over glamorized and showing whats really there and the true beauty of the place. I found that when I was taking the images on location that I was in my perfect enviroment, I like the contrat between the super high clarity of the twigs and bark against the super soft clarity of the moss and grass, I think its this effect that gives the image its apeal and certainly its fantasy quality. This image shows no foacl point and next to no editing which could put it under the catagory of deadpan astetics.

The reason I called this image the hounds play ground is due to the fact of the story of the hounds of the Baskivels from Konan arthor Doyals Sherlock Holmes was set here. 
This is an image of wistmans wood that I have used for my finals, I am pleased with the image I love the mystical fantasy feel it portrays and the twisted trees in the back ground it almost feels as if I had jumped in to a tolken book when I look at it, but I think the image has too much yellow, If I were to re do this image I would have toned the yellow down abit and maybe have more clarity thrown in. To make this image I used a Nikon D3100 18-55mm lens on a tripod, in the editing process I tried to use a minimum HDR process as possible the things I changed where the clarity on the moss which made it very soft to give it a fuzzy fantasy feel and the clarity on the rocks and trees to bring out the rugged detail of the rocks grain and the trees bark to make it more punchy. I also decided to make the image longer and shorter to give the image another element and more interesting, also I beleive the images being longer better fits the landscape theme. The image also has no focal point and the same lack of editing which was used on the previous photo


I love this image, the colours and shadows give the image some excitement in my opinion. I wish I printed this as one of my finals but I ran out of budget for this project. The image features in the mag 2 page spread. the image was touched up in photoshop RAW and the top left hand corner was all created by clone tool as in its place was a bleached out corner of sky and some bushes that in my opinion ruined the image. I am going to re submit my work as to show this image in with the magazine spread I am going to create to achieve Distiction.CHAFFINCH

This is another of my final images, the chaff finch was on the out skirts of Wistmans wood and therefore I beleive tied into the story quite well. I like the image but Im not massivly keen on the feet being cropped out. The way I created this image was using a 70-300mm lens with a D3100, in the editing stage I changed the background into a soft clarity and bosted the c,larity contrast and saturation a tad on the bird.

This is my final peace lay out in the form of a magazine 2 page spread, I am quite happy with the out come, I love the layout and the story in which I added is wuite close to my heart. there are many things I would change if I was able to such as the colour of and the amount of text boxes I should have had them a more neutral colour, Also the the text should probably be a bit larger. I cut out one of my Chaff finches to try mirror the BBC wildlife mags style. The layout was also mirrored and has been tested by BBC wildlife mag to work. I decided to go for a mag page because of the effect it has had on my life , I have leaned a great deal of knowledge and found passion and interests through magazines most of my life, so I thought if I could successfully create one my self it could be a possible career choice. I had many problems in this article that I must remidy to achieve distinction I have been advised to make the gully in the center of the page larger, brighten 2 of the images by around 10%, align the text boxes better and make the image larger so the text is easier to read, these were problems that I forsore but ran out of time and funds to complete before the dead line.
I may also tone the grean colour to a darker more natural green other than the bright lime green boxes I have currently. 

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